A Thank-You Note to Al Franken

You can put Patti in a room by herself and she still won’t shut up about women’s rights! While the other moms are out having fun, she explains why she is grateful for Senator Al Franken’s resignation and to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for pushing for it. (This episode was recorded before the spectacular Doug Jones win in the Alabama special election, but the relationship is obvious!)

You Might Be a Misogynist If…

The moms are divided over the resignation of Al Franken, but not over the need to move the #MeToo movement forward. We recorded this before the Senator announced he will be stepping down, but still had a lot of relevant thoughts (if we may say so ourselves).

Grandmas Talking! A Special Guest!

This week the mother of the Sister Resisters joins us for Turkey Talk and a discussion of the feedback Patti collected about how to deal with kids who talk like alt right recruits.

Episode 11: When Kids Say Terrible Things

This week Karen and Patti talk about talking to their kids about #MeToo and wrestle with where we go from here, and we begin a discussion about kids and hate speech.

Moms Demand Action and Wonder Woman IRL!

We’re sickened by the epidemic of mass shootings in our country and we know you are, too. Pam tells us about one easy way to become an activist on this issue…plus, more talk about sexual harassment and hope for Dems and Progs.